
The school has a writing programme that covers a range of genres. The children are given the opportunity to study different high-quality texts, learn their features, and produce their own pieces. These are shown in specific writing books, topic work, and published in class writing books.

View our long term writing plans here:

Children are encouraged to use their phonic knowledge, grammatical knowledge, and wide range of vocabulary to produce writing of a high standard. They are also expected to read and edit their own work at age-appropriate levels.

In year 1, children are taught to join up their writing. From year 2 onwards, they are expected to present their writing neatly and legibly, with dates and titles underlined.

The school has a focussed approach on the core skills of: Immersion, Planning, Drafting, Editing, Sharing, Publishing. This is underpinned by the EEF ‘Developing Literacy in KS1 and KS2’ guidance.