Child Protection and Safeguarding

Every school is required to follow procedure and refer concerns to the Social Care Department.

For more information, please read our Clearwell Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy S1 September 2024

While we will seek, in general, to discuss these concerns with the family and where possible seek agreement to making the referral, this will only be done where such discussion and agreement seeking will not place a child at increased risk of significant harm. This procedure is intended to protect children from abuse. When we refer a concern about a pupil to the Social Care Department we are not accusing the parents/carers of abuse, but requesting that further enquiries take place and that any necessary help and support is provided.

The Head Teacher is the Designated Person for Child Protection.


Staying Safe Online

If you would like further guidance of adding parental controls then please take a look at:

Visit the Internet Matters website for more information and support in keeping children safe online.

These leaflets have all been taken from the website:

More information on eSafety can be found on the links below:


Supporting young people online: • Parents factsheet: resource-sheet/ • The Fortnite parents’ guide and factsheet might be replaced by a more up-to- date blog: fortnite-a-guide-for-parents-and-carers/ • The link to the website does not work but the following link could be useful: • The link to the PACE website is correct, but the name has changed to the Ivison Trust, with the link